Sunday, December 28, 2014

What kind of ice pack to use for face surgery?

The types of ice packs that are given to patients by surgeons after surgery on the face are generally gel packs
gel pack
that are hard and stiff -- not very comfortable on the face. When I recently had basal skin cells removed from my nose and needed to reduce swelling, I felt fortunate to have an ice pack that was soft, pliable, and gentle. I was able to reduce swelling comfortably.

Teenage girl using Maine Warmers ice pack on face after wisdom tooth extraction
Teenager using Maine Warmers' gentle ice pack
This Maine Warmers' gentle ice pack for the face is not harsh like ice cubes because the corn filling inside it does not get quite as cold as ice. It helped reduce swelling and offered soothing relief.

The "Maine Ice" pack can be purchased by itself.

It is also the packet inside each Hand Warmer Mitten and if you own a pair of Hand Warmers you could use the packet for ice as well as heat. The mitten may keep you hand from getting cold while you use the ice pack.

The ice pack can be stored in the freezer in a plastic bag. It takes about 1 hour to cool it off, then it is ready to use. Most physicians recommend icing about 10 - 20 minutes in one hour.

These Facial Ice Packs are also gentle for surgeries in sensitive areas -- other than the face. They conform to your body.
Girl using Maine Ice to reduce swelling from wisdom tooth extraction while resting at home with family dog
Maine Ice Pack for the face

Saturday, July 05, 2014

What to look for in a microwave heating pad

When you need a heating pad for sore muscles a microwave heating pad offers comfort with convenience. There aren't any electrical cords to deal with and no filling or leaking hot water bottles. 

3 fillings for microwave heating pads include rice, whole corn, and dried beans

The fabrics should be high quality and not break down or pill after laundering. Microwave heating pads should have removable, washable covers. The inside lining should have a removable cover, so if something spills or the filling needs to be changed it can be done without any sewing.

If you are allergic to scents and perfumes, choose a heating pad that does not have added fragrances. Those filled with whole corn do not need fragrances. Rice filled heating pads can take on a peculiar odor after being microwaved several times. Cherry pit fillings do not take on peculiar odors, but they have an odor that is not as appealing as I thought it would be. I have read that the insides of cherry pits are poisonous if ingested, so if you have pets you might not want to use a cherry pit filled warmer just in case your dog or cat thinks it's a toy or a snack. Dried beans make a good filling, although they may have to be changed out if they take on an unpleasant odor.

Collage of photos - Woman using extra large neck warmer to relax a stiff neck, woman relaxing with sheep microwave heating pad on abdomen, and man relaxing stiff neck muscles with alligator neck heating pad

The best microwave heating pads can be found at Maine Warmers and are filled with whole corn and are made in Maine by professional sewers with high quality fabrics. They have a variety of fun designs for backs and necks and some unique animal shapes -- sheep, bears, seals, Dachshunds, cats, and more.

Order them online or call them. They are happy to talk with you and will go out of their way to ship your order fast when you need it in a hurry. 888-835-7485

Check out their products and feedback on eBay, or reviews on Google+.

Be sure to sign up for their monthly newsletter to be included in a drawing once a month for a free warmer. They do not share your info, do not SPAM you, and you may unsubscribe at any time.

Thursday, March 06, 2014

Things to do with kids when you are broke

When money is tight there are many things we can do to enjoy life and not break the bank.

Here are a few:

Gather the kids, friends, and friends’ kids for a scenic day hike or a walk. Do a little homework to 
find a good location and take time to talk with kids about what the hike will be like and what things to take along and why. Get them to help make a little home-made safety kit with a few bandages, wipes, and ointment. Take insect repellent and sunscreen and layers of clothing for changes in weather. Don’t forget a lunch – get them to help make it. Talk about the things you see on the hike. Ask them to tell you about things they have learned in school regarding the things they see. Or sing together on part of the walk.

If it is raining, stay home and make something that they like. When my children were young and they wanted a Fisher-Price Star Wars toy, and we didn’t have the money to buy one, I found some cardboard boxes and we made one together. It took a whole day, but they played with it for a long time and because they helped make it, they took care of it.

Go to a free or low cost museum. Sometimes there are small museums that offer a glimpse into things that you or your kids don’t know. It’s worth a peek and then talk about what you see and why they liked it or didn't like it. Make a bowl of popcorn and some hot chocolate and discuss what you learned and how the museum could be improved.

Sometimes the thoughts of owning things are more appealing than actually having them. When we look at what is really most important in our lives and take time to spend with the people we love, then we are rich, no matter how broke we are.

Betsy Hanscom is the owner of Maine Warmers. On her blog you can find out how to make your own rice or corn sock. If you have kids, get them to decorate a sock with felt or other fabric -- nothing metallic -- and make your own rice sock. If you are not broke and want a fun gift, especially for a child with arthritis, consider a gift of an Al-the-Gator heat wrap.

Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Living within a Budget

Over the years I have written a number of budgets, managed cash-flow, scrimped and saved, and made minor to major financial decisions -- both personal and business-related. Finding a balance between what is needed and what is available is always the trick. We have more wants than needs, and as the song goes, “You can’t always get what you want…  but if you try sometime, you just might find you get what you need.”

When money is tight I tend to first save on food. We don’t go out for dinner. At the end of the day, when I don’t feel like cooking and want something nutritious, instead of buying a pizza or going out, I stop at the grocery store and buy a green salad and a cooked chicken or frozen shrimp or even smoked salmon (depending on what I have to spend).

I used to go to the library frequently. There I could check out all kinds of books from cookbooks to 
fix-it-yourself books, some on how to sew, and others on writing and drawing. When the toilet broke or the faucet leaked I found out how to repair it in a book. If it needed a valve with a plumber’s expertise, then I called one in. In the long run it's less costly to have this kind of repair done correctly than it would to pay for the damage caused from a major water leak. Today, the Internet may offer the same solutions to do-it-yourself household repair.

Starting with a realistic budget is critical. Then finding ways to stick with it is the challenge. Engage the help of your partner if you have one because you will need his or her understanding to make it work. If only one lives within the budget and the other does not, there is sure to be some conflict.

Betsy Hanscom is the owner of Maine Warmers, LLC. She designs microwave heating pads in traditional and animal shapes.

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Alternative Therapies for Knee Pain

I would like to participate in a new medical study regarding natural therapies to help sore knees.  According to Eve Jacobs in her article, Knee Deep in Holistic Alternatives, Rutgers Magazine (Winter 2014), Rutgers School of Health Related Professions is participating in a study to discover the effects of massage on knees. 

Our knees support our weight and carry us through so many daily activities they tend to wear out over time or become injured.  Those who suffer from osteoarthritis may be interested to know that massage – not just of the knees, but the whole body – may offer some relief. The idea is that by boosting out immune systems the effects of this condition may be alleviated. For the moment, surgery or drugs offer the only relief, but we'll be eager to learn the results of this study, and maybe consider having more routine massages.

I recently experienced knee pain from standing, with most of my considerable weight on one leg, for long periods of time. A bad choice was not wearing supportive shoes while standing. Once I corrected the posture and foot wear, I returned to exercising, a bit worried that I might do more damage. But after careful exercise, I found my knee was better. Keeping our joints and muscles moving is recommended by health professionals as a way to deal with arthritis.

Keeping blood circulating is important and that might be the reason for the theory that massage helps alleviate the symptoms of osteoarthritis in the knees. If that is the case, then a bit of heat treatment might help as well. Heat is known to stimulate circulation and improve flexibility.

Maine Warmers’ Knee Pack is a microwaveable heating pad that might be just the thing to bring comfort and blood circulation to the knee. For kids, and kids at heart, Maine Warmers offers an alligator and whale shaped Warmers, among other traditional and animal shaped heating pads that not only provide soothing heat, but bring a smile too. And a smile is healing in itself.

Saturday, March 01, 2014

Art and Technology

Artists today can present their designs to the world through the Web. In the past two decades markets have expanded with the technology of computers and the Internet, changing the world of art and marketing. The Internet continues to grow in leaps and bounds, and will continue.

When web sites became well-known and used for shopping in the late 1990's, I saw an opportunity to
Woman using Maine Warmers' Hand Warmer Mittens to ease the chill of cold hands
Microwave Hand Warmers
market to the world the simple little microwave heating pads I had been designing, making, and giving to friends and family members for years. 

If my father had not introduced me to computers I may not have started Maine Warmers.While taking a Web Site Development class at University of Southern Maine, the instructor kept telling us that a strong resume included good writing skills along with technology skills. An artist creates within technical limitations, and as technology grows the boundaries of what can be accomplished expands.

Due to computers, the internet, and hours of designing, photographing, learning how to run a business, and learning new technologies around web site marketing, I continue to make Maine Warmers microwave heating pads available online. They are sold throughout the US in gift stores and other venues. See our web site for store locations and all of Maine Warmers products on one page.

Collage of Maine Warmers' Cozy Polar Bear, Brown Bear, Bunny, Dachshund, Sheep, and Alligator Warmers for Bed and Body
Unique and Decorative Body Warmers in Animal Shapes

Monday, February 24, 2014

How to Improve Your Posture

Good posture is simple. It has to do with lifting your rib cage up away from your pelvis which then naturally aligns your spine, shoulders, neck and head. “Keep a neutral spine,” says my exercise teacher, “and the natural curve in you lower spine.” Good posture helps you keep those abdominal muscles tucked in too.

It does not mean being uncomfortable or trying to maintain a contrived stressful position.

Man using extra large microwave back warmer
Extra Large Heating Pad for the Back
Good posture also lessens the stress on joints. According to an article, "The Power of Posture," in Arthritis Today, March-April 2014, (p. 27), good posture affects thinking and may provide an attitude of “power over pain," and ultimately, help you feel better.  The Arthritis Today Web site has some Tips for Good Posture. It may also keep you in better shape to take care of yourself longer as you age.

An examination by a physician may reveal abnormalities in the structure of the back that may prevent good posture. If you have difficulty maintaining good posture it may be worth a visit to a qualified medical professional to find out the cause. A physical therapist may also be a resource for helping establish a healthy posture.
Man relaxing sore back muscles with a Whale Back Warmer from Maine Warmers
Cozy Whale Microwave Back Warmer

If you need to relax tight back muscles from exercising or doing some strenuous activity, try an extra large Back Warmer from Maine Warmers. Even Yoga exercises can cause sore muscles. A Cozy Whale makes a lovely gift of comfort and care for a friend who deals with the joint pain of arthritis. A Snowy Owl Warmer (not pictured here) also provides heat to soothe tense muscles, ease cramps, and relax muscle spasms.
Maine Warmers' Snowy Owl Back Warmer
Snowy Owl Warmer

Monday, February 17, 2014

Emergence of Emergency Medical Technicians

At dinner last night we were talking about a man who collapsed on a street in Portland, Maine on Christmas Eve and how someone stopped to help him until the EMTs arrived. Today the man is back to living a normal life.

We take for granted that when there is a medical emergency an ambulance with trained personnel will be there ASAP to help. They’ll not only transport people to the nearest hospital, but they will perform procedures to help the victim survive while on the way.

It wasn’t until the early 1970's that a need for emergency personnel became an issue in Portland, Maine. A committee was established to look at setting up MEDCU, a new emergency response system designed to help people – not just transport them to the hospital. Before that, people were often transported in the back of a police car, a “Paddy Wagon,” or sometimes in a hearse to the hospital, and help was not administered until they arrived.

Today, EMTs, or Emergency Medical Technicians, are trained to administer IVs, give injections, administer life support, and more. Improved communication systems allow physicians to give directions to EMTs while en-route to the hospital.. The training is rigorous and requires hundreds of hours of education and often state certification.  

Helping people feel better is a great profession. Thankfully there are people who are willing to become EMTs and do this important job.
Man using microwave neck warmer to help relax sore tired muscles
Maine Warmers' Microwave Neck Warmer

At Maine Warmers we provide products that help people feel better. Al-The-Gator brings comforting heat to relax stiff muscles. Cozy Sheep warm beds on cold winter nights and help stimulate circulation when physical activity is limited due to illness or surgery.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Ten Low Cost Ways to Kick Cabin Fever

I wasn’t sure why I felt so out of sorts, but when my husband said, “Let’s go snowshoeing,” it dawned on me that I was spending too much time inside working.

We gathered up our gear and headed outside. As we sweated our way through the snow, I began to feel refreshed and ready to think of other ways of getting out of the house. Here are ten that came to mind.
  1. Call a friend to go for a walk or snowshoe. Go where it is safe from ice and snow – maybe at a school track, the Mall, a beach, or a public park or land trust.
  2.  Go to the library and browse through the magazines you never get to see.
  3.  Visit a museum. Most museums have a time that is free to the public.
  4.   Join a book club.
  5.   Take time to write down your goals – things you want to do or see in the coming year, or five years.  Forget what the costs are, and dream. Remember the song? "You have to have a dream to have it come true." Keep in mind that you can change the plans.
  6.   Then research a trip or trips that you want to take in the summer.
  7.   Finish a project that you have been meaning to complete.
  8.   Start a new project that you have always wanted to do.
  9.   Write a letter to a friend or family member who may be confined to indoors.
  10.   Volunteer at a community event.
As we returned to the car with our snowshoes, collar open and gloves off, I thought, "I don't need a Maine
Woman using microwave hand warmers to keep warm in winter
Maine Warmers' Microwave Hand Warmers
to keep me warm." In the evening I would need one to relax the stiff muscles.

For those who cannot be active, there are Hand Warmers and FootWarmers to help stimulate circulation and keep them warm. 

Friday, February 14, 2014

The Best Gift for Valentines' Day

Yesterday, a woman I met recently at the gym, asked me if I would like to go snowshoeing, walking, or doing some outside winter activity with her.  She lives near me and wrote her phone number on a sticky note and asked if I would call her. Of course, I said yes.

As I drove home, I remembered that wonderfully warm feeling as a child, when in elementary school, somebody passed me a note that said, “Will you be my friend?” or said, “Can you play today?”

If you want to make someone feel good on Valentines’ Day, pass a note that conveys your friendship, or spend time with them -- laugh, joke, reminisce, or read together. Let them know you enjoy their company. 

Woman using Polar Bear microwave heating pad on abdomen
Polar Bear Hand and Body Warmer
If you want to give a gift of comfort, without calories, give a Cozy Polar Bear or Sheep microwave warmer. Many stores throughout the US sell Maine Warmers' Comforting Creatures.

Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Two Natural Foods to Help Reduce Inflammation

I read recently about two foods that are anti-inflammatory -- Salmon and Ginger. Used regularly, or taken as supplements (check with your physician first),  they may help ease the pain of arthritis. Check out the ARTHRITIS TODAY article, Nature-Made & Science Approved, in the Sept/Oct 2013 issue. BTW --finely chopped ginger tastes great in a veggie stir-fry.

Scientists are discovering how diet impacts our health, and changing what we eat can improve how we feel. There is no doubt in my mind that when we eat natural foods and skip the manufactured ones, we feel better.

After going on a gluten-free diet to reduce inflammation to ease the pain of arthritis I was able to live without the discomfort I had been experiencing.  A close friend adapted a gluten-free diet to deal with Colitis and experienced positive results, going from taking 16 pills a day and feeling miserable at times to zero pills and feeling great.

If the joints in your arthritic hands are sore and you need some relief, try a pair of reusable hand warmer mittens from Maine Warmers. Also, their Palm Packs and their Cozy Sheep (one of several Comforting Creatures) offer soothing warmth for cold hands or feet.

Sometimes people with arthritis need to use cold therapy to reduce swelling and pain. These microwave heating pads can be frozen and used for gentle ice -- not harsh like ice cubes.

Sunday, February 02, 2014

Panda Bears in the Smithsonian

 I happened to read an article in The Smithsonian, Jan 2014, issue last week while in the dentist’s waiting room, about Panda Bears. The author, Susan Orlean, referred to them as “magical animals” and mentioned a YouTube  video called “Wang Dajun babysitting thePanda” or “Wang and the Panda.” 

These videos are fun to watch, as are those of the new Panda baby, Bao Bao,  at the National Zoo.  The author of this article said the Panda is a “unami of animals” which can be translated from the Japanese as "a pleasant savory taste.” I don’t think Ms. Orlean was talking about the Panda on a dinner plate.

Pandas Bears are intriguing and unique. The Webcam at the National Zoo is viewed regularly. I used to peek at the Webcam at the San Diego Zoo at 8 AM on the East Coast which is 5 AM on the West Coast. The Pandas are active at that time. I am not sure why it was so intriguing, but I loved watching these unique animals.

woman relaxing with a Maine Warmers Panda Bear microwave body warmer
Maine Warmers Panda Bear Body Warmer
If you Google the two places you will probably come up with a link to the WebCam and will get to see these amazing creatures. Or view their photos and videos.

If you want to enjoy cuddling with a Panda, the safest one is Maine Warmers’ Panda Bear. It’s portable and safe. Enjoy it as a bed warmer or hand warmer. Just microwave it for a minute and a half and enjoy soothing warmth.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Ten tips for weathering the cold temperatures – especially if you have to work outside

  1. Dress in several layers.
  2. Keep your hands warm – wear warm gloves or mittens.
  3. Wear a warm hat – most body heat is lost through the head.
  4. Stay hydrated – avoiding alcohol.
  5. Drink warm liquids – decaf tea, hot chocolate, or warm apple cider.
  6. Stay active to promote blood circulation.
  7. To avoid dry split lips use lip balm.
  8. Avoid split skin around fingernails by keeping moisturizing cream on hands and avoid putting hands in water a lot. Use rubber gloves when cleaning or washing dishes.
  9. If you have to be outside make sure to do so for short periods of time. Shivering is a sign that your
    Maine Warmers Woolly Bear Neck Warmer
    body is cooling off.
  10. Use microwave hand warmers to pre-warm boots before going outside. Maine Warmers are reusable and washable. You can regulate the temperature by how long you microwave them. A Back or Neck Warmer can be used to warm hands and feet as well.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

7 Ways to stay warm in winter without boosting the thermostat

Once you get chilled it can be hard to warm up again. We are still in the early stages of winter, and chances are we’ll be looking for ways to stay warm while keeping the thermostat down as energy costs remain high. Be prepared for another cold snap when it arrives.

Man using a Maine Warmers' neck warmer under a coat in winter
Neck Warmer under a coat
1. Stay warm outside, then when you come inside you will warm up faster. Wear warm clothing even if you are just going from the car into the grocery store. Keep moving and stay active during the winter. Exercise helps circulation and to keep you warm.

2. Wear a Maine Warmers microwave Neck Warmer under your coat to help prevent that blast of
chill when you first step outside or slide into a cold car.

3. Dress in layers and make one layer a vest to help keep your core warm.

4. Wear a hat, inside or outside, to help keep the heat in.

5. Keep hydrated by drinking plenty of water.

6. If you know an elderly person whose hands are cold while watching TV or reading, give him or her some reusable, microwave Hand Warmers or a Cozy Sheep. They can be micro-waved for pennies and provide comfort for an hour or more. Or use a Back Warmer, which is more versatile, and wrap it around the hands or lay it on top of cold feet.
elderly woman using a Cozy Sheep microwave heating pad from Maine Warmers
Cozy microwave sheep keeps hands and body warm

7. Use a heating pad in your bed. Cold sheets will keep you awake until they warm up. Enjoy winter with a little help from Maine Warmers.