Saturday, January 11, 2014

7 Ways to stay warm in winter without boosting the thermostat

Once you get chilled it can be hard to warm up again. We are still in the early stages of winter, and chances are we’ll be looking for ways to stay warm while keeping the thermostat down as energy costs remain high. Be prepared for another cold snap when it arrives.

Man using a Maine Warmers' neck warmer under a coat in winter
Neck Warmer under a coat
1. Stay warm outside, then when you come inside you will warm up faster. Wear warm clothing even if you are just going from the car into the grocery store. Keep moving and stay active during the winter. Exercise helps circulation and to keep you warm.

2. Wear a Maine Warmers microwave Neck Warmer under your coat to help prevent that blast of
chill when you first step outside or slide into a cold car.

3. Dress in layers and make one layer a vest to help keep your core warm.

4. Wear a hat, inside or outside, to help keep the heat in.

5. Keep hydrated by drinking plenty of water.

6. If you know an elderly person whose hands are cold while watching TV or reading, give him or her some reusable, microwave Hand Warmers or a Cozy Sheep. They can be micro-waved for pennies and provide comfort for an hour or more. Or use a Back Warmer, which is more versatile, and wrap it around the hands or lay it on top of cold feet.
elderly woman using a Cozy Sheep microwave heating pad from Maine Warmers
Cozy microwave sheep keeps hands and body warm

7. Use a heating pad in your bed. Cold sheets will keep you awake until they warm up. Enjoy winter with a little help from Maine Warmers.

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