Thursday, March 05, 2015

Humor Helps with Winter Blues

Several years ago, my friend Jackie had just finished reading aloud the first chapter of a book she had written. She was in a children's book writers' critique group with me. Jackie's goal was to interest and motivate middle school boys who didn't like to read books. Her story was about a couple of young teenage boys who discovered that a few common ingredients, when mixed together and slipped into food, would give people uncontrollable gas. The boys were greatly amused by the results of their trickery and wanted to spread the fun.

"Farts are cheap entertainment for kids," explained Jackie, then mother of four teenagers. The critique group giggled and tee-heed and gave the chapter "a two thumbs up." It was a silly, funny evening that made me feel like I was in sixth grade again.

I am not promoting flatulence as humor, just that laughter with friends makes us feel young. As we plow through the remainder of a record cold and snowy winter in the Northeast, trying to avoid our own March "madness," laughter is good medicine. If you are experiencing a long winter, wherever you live, I hope you will find fun, healthy ways to cope.

Maine using Dachshund microwave Neck Warmer to relax stiff neck muscles
Dachshund Neck Warmer
Another way to help you get through the remainder of the winter is to use a Maine Warmers' microwave heating pad. It will warm a bed, cold hands and feet. Sign up for their e-Newsletter Dachshund Neck Warmer on March 12, 2015. They have other give-a-ways scheduled for the month of March and April.
to receive coupons and be entered in a give-a-way. Follow Maine Warmers on Facebook to be entered into a drawing for a free

Challenges of being a primary caregiver

I search for help during my mother's slow progression toward death. The Caregivers Journey, (Hospice Web site) is a beautifully written piece that helps visualize what one cannot know or see ahead on the path to the other side.

Some days are hard for me as the primary caregiver, and I feel guilty that I cannot be 100% everyday. Balancing the needs of my mother with my own need to be mentally, physically, and emotionally healthy is part of that journey. On those days when I have my own difficulties coping it is important to take time off, regroup, and find ways to escape the heaviness that accompanies the job. I feel awful leaving her to herself. But I know that others are there to help her too.

Elderly woman using a Sheep microwave heating pad to help keep warm during periods of inactivity due to illness
Microwave Sheep Heating Pad
I don't know how long the journey will be. It's hard to make plans ahead, especially travel plans. So, to make the best of each day, and to live my life with joy, I need to go to the gym or go outside and exercise, avoid the foods that may give me comfort for a few minutes but will make me gain unwanted pounds. There isn't much time to socialize, and rest. Managing my own needs with those of my mother and other family members is part of what makes this journey so challenging.

A Maine Warmers microwave heating pad helps me relax as it also helps elderly people who are inactive due to illness or stroke.