Sunday, December 28, 2014

What kind of ice pack to use for face surgery?

The types of ice packs that are given to patients by surgeons after surgery on the face are generally gel packs
gel pack
that are hard and stiff -- not very comfortable on the face. When I recently had basal skin cells removed from my nose and needed to reduce swelling, I felt fortunate to have an ice pack that was soft, pliable, and gentle. I was able to reduce swelling comfortably.

Teenage girl using Maine Warmers ice pack on face after wisdom tooth extraction
Teenager using Maine Warmers' gentle ice pack
This Maine Warmers' gentle ice pack for the face is not harsh like ice cubes because the corn filling inside it does not get quite as cold as ice. It helped reduce swelling and offered soothing relief.

The "Maine Ice" pack can be purchased by itself.

It is also the packet inside each Hand Warmer Mitten and if you own a pair of Hand Warmers you could use the packet for ice as well as heat. The mitten may keep you hand from getting cold while you use the ice pack.

The ice pack can be stored in the freezer in a plastic bag. It takes about 1 hour to cool it off, then it is ready to use. Most physicians recommend icing about 10 - 20 minutes in one hour.

These Facial Ice Packs are also gentle for surgeries in sensitive areas -- other than the face. They conform to your body.
Girl using Maine Ice to reduce swelling from wisdom tooth extraction while resting at home with family dog
Maine Ice Pack for the face

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