Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Keeping humor in conversations with someone who is dying

Young or old, who wants to sit around and think about death when there is an opportunity to laugh?

When my children were babies and dependent I tried to make them happy and laugh. It is the same now with my mother. I try to find funny things to talk about with her like comical stories I read in the newspaper, funny things our grandchildren have done or said, humorous comments my husband makes, or something I have seen on Facebook. 

When my mother talks about death I listen. When she talks about wanting to die, the only way I can respond is to say that I understand her feelings, but she is strong and not ready yet.

I know while she is alive, she might as well try to have a good time, as long as she is physically and mentally up for it.  I am thankful that my mother has a sense of humor and is alert and aware, and that she has lived well into her nineties.

She is happy to have a Cozy Sheep Warmer to keep her company and comfy on cold
Cozy Sheep microwave heating pad warming a bed
Cozy Sheep Bed & Body Warmer
winter nights.

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