Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Changing Your Mind to Help Achieve Goals when dealing with arthritis

Breaking habits -- especially the bad ones -- can be an arduous task. Arthritis Today Magazine has a helpful article, “Change Your Mind and Your Body Will Follow” January/February 2011. You need to join the Arthritis Foundation to receive the publication or to access this article online.

One of the suggestions the writer, Emily Delzell, offers is to “Increase Mindfulness.” She recommends keeping your thoughts in the present -- avoid going back over past negative ones or worrying. Become aware of these thoughts and don’t “believe them." Give yourself credit for being right more than wrong.

Use breathing techniques to help you relax. Take six controlled breaths and become aware of how you feel. Think positively about yourself and write down the things that are right with you, then you can help redirect your thoughts when they become negative. Change your focus to others and spend less time focusing on yourself. Take a yoga or meditation class. Be physically active.

If you know someone who is anxious and needs to relax more you might consider giving them a microwave heating pad.  A Maine WarmersCozy Cat or a Dachshund Neck Warmer offer comforting companionship without the care or vet bills.

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