Sunday, April 09, 2006

Soothing heat therapy during pregnancy

Being pregnant takes a toll on a woman’s body. Hormone production, weight gain, physical appearance, difficulty finding a comfortable sleeping position, and being awakened by a physically active fetus are just a few of the effects of pregnancy.

Being pregnant is a workout, but being in shape through it can help. When it comes time for delivery a body that is in good shape is more able to deal with the rigors of childbirth. According to the National Institutes of Health, joints loosen during pregnancy, and therefore it is important not to do exercises that require fast movements. Of course, activities that can cause injury should be avoided also. For a list of activities to avoid and other information about what to do and what not to do during pregnancy go to the NIH Web site.

Woman using gray seal microwave heating pad to relax tense musclesTo help relieve joint pain especially in the hips and lower back pain from the weight of the baby during the Maine Warmers carries a variety of heating pads that can also be frozen and used as gentle ice packs to reduce swelling and pain. Dads also have stresses and muscle aches and can benefit from a heating pad to relax tense muscles in the neck. A variety of Comforting Creatures and other Warmers make perfect baby shower gifts for use before birth and after.
third trimester of pregnancy, try using heat therapy from a microwave heating pad.

For more information about dealing with some of the discomforts of pregnancy check out this article on WebMD.

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