Thursday, May 19, 2016

Tips for new fathers

Becoming a father for the first time is stressful. People are focused so much on mother and baby that a new dad can feel left out. Staying involved with daily care and interaction may help, according to health professionals at the Mayo Clinic in an article entitled “New Dad: Tips toManage Stress.”

Man using and Extra Long Neck Warmer to relax tense muscles while doing some financial planning
Extra Long Neck Warmer
Newborns are a huge responsibility and require a lot of attention. They bring changes in routine and activities and stretch the budget with added medical costs, work leave, and day care.  Sleep deprivation, loss of time with partner, and reduced sexual activity contribute to stress and can result in depression.

Financial planning will help smooth the road, talking with other fathers about how they handled the first year of fatherhood and thinking about the kid of father you want to be will help.

Taking turns caring for the baby, playing with him or her, and spending time with your partner and baby at the same time will help. Know that you will get more sleep as time goes one. Be affectionate and find ways to enjoy the time with your new family.  Your new child and your partner need you. Accept help from trusted family members and friends when they offer. If you find yourself in a depression, seek professional help.

A Maine Warmers Cozy Bunny on flowered sheets
Cozy Bunny Warmer for a crib or bassinet
If you are feeling nervous or tense then going to sleep may be difficult. A Maine Warmers Neck Warmer may help you relax at bedtime. You may also want pre-warm a newborn’s bassinet or crib with a microwave heating pad so when you place the baby down the cold sheets don’t wake him/her. 

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