Thursday, June 29, 2006

How to deal with stress naturally during pregnancy

Pregnancy changes the body and mind. The belly grows, bones soften, breasts and feet swell. Added weight puts stress on the whole body, including lower back and hips. Worries over the health of the baby, how you are going to manage work and family, and how the birthing process will go all manage to drive you nuts even before the baby is born!

Natural remedies to help deal with anxiety associated with pregnancy may seem difficult to find, but there are some that can be very effective. An important and maybe the most effective one is moderate exercise. Make sure you check with you doctor first about what exercise is the most appropriate.

Aspirin and other over-the-counter drugs are not recommended for pregnant women because of the effect they may have on the fetus. Of course substances such as caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol should be avoided completely while pregnant.

Natural herbs and herbal teas can have effects on the fetus, so if one is considering taking herbs it is best to consult a physician first. Midwives also have information on herbal remedies. The American Pregnancy Association has general information on what herbs are likely to be safe to take during pregnancy and what are not. Also, Parents Magazine also offers suggestions and information about ingesting herbs and herbal teas.

Other relaxation techniques may include listening to music, participating in a hobby or activity that you enjoy, socializing and laughing. A microwave heating pad on the feet or lower back will help relax muscles and may help you fall asleep.

Maine Warmers offers a variety of unique microwave heating pads that can be used during pregnancy to help you deal with stress, and they can be used after the baby is born to promote mil let-down and relieve blocked ducts or engorgement. It can be used to relieve sinus headaches. Pre-warm an infant's crib to prevent the baby from waking due to the shock of cold sheets when you place him/her down.

If the summer heat is getting to you try putting your Maine Warmer in the freezer for a few hours and then enjoy a comforting gentle coolness on the neck or feet.

Maine Warmers' Cozy Sheep or Bunny make great baby shower gifts for mothers-to-be. Fathers love them too.

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