Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Dealing with Challenges Takes Practice and Yoga May Help

My yoga teacher says that the things in life that happen to us count less than the way we react to them. Yoga teaches us to find a calm place where we can breathe, and to practice breathing calmly when we are being challenged. Then, when we face a difficult situation in life, we have a coping mechanism in place to help us deal with it.

In yoga, we are taught that it is okay to push ourselves to failure in order to find out what we can achieve. At the same time, we don’t want to injure ourselves. So, there is always a tugging and pulling in opposite directions – or stretching oneself.

I think some people may have a twisted view (no pun intended) of what yoga is – especially if they have not practiced it. There are different types of yoga, of course, and I am only familiar with one or two of them. I know that when I practice it I can breathe better, and I feel better. I told the  yoga teacher that sinus doctors should recommend yoga to their patients, and she replied that all doctors should recommend it to their patients.

I do tend to get sore muscles after yoga, but that is natural. A Maine Warmers’ microwave heating pad relaxes them. Frozen it relieves sinus headaches.
Black Sheep microwave heating pad

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