Saturday, March 22, 2008

Bringing the Pain of Diabetic Neuropathy Under Control

Diabetic Neuropathy is nerve damage associated with high blood sugar. The Mayo Clinic has an excellent article on the symptoms, causes, and how it is treated. It usually affects the feet and legs but can cause problems with the bladder and vascular system. A healthy diet and life style help to keep the symptoms of neuropathy in check. That includes keeping healthy blood sugar levels, taking care of the feet and limbs, exercising, maintaining a healthy weight, and not smoking all help to prevent symptoms from getting worse.

Relaxation techniques help to reduce muscle tension. Yoga, meditation, acupuncture, biofeedback are some of the ways to reduce tension and ease symptoms.Heating pads also reduce muscle tension and aid in the relaxation process.
Man using microwave hand heating pads to relieve symptoms of neuropathy
Maine Warmers microwave heating pads do not have added fragrances -- a plus for people with allergies to Foot Warmers and Hand Warmers help with circulation and are safe because there isn't any danger of overheating as with electric heating pads.
perfumes. Corn-filled microwave heat pads do not require electrical outlets, messy hot water bottles, or the worry of over-heating.

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