Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Taking Care of Yourself When You are a Caretaker

Caring for elderly parents is stressful. I have read horror stories of parents who were once loving but now suffer from debilitating conditions that changed their characters. Often, elderly parents need so much care and comfort that it can be emotionally draining on the caretaker – usually a son or daughter. It is much like taking care of a child and very demanding.

If you are the caretaker, keeping yourself healthy is vital. Maintaining a healthy diet, exercise routine, social activities, and emotional outlets can help keep you mentally fit to make the right decisions regarding your parents. Try to find someone you can talk with on a daily basis. That person should have a sense of humor and a healthy perspective to help you understand that the tasks in front of you are as important as they are stressful. If you are exhausted and ill then helping your parent will be more difficult.

An online support group, AGING PARENTS AND ELDER CARE for caretakers may help you see that you are not alone.

The Mayo Clinic has a section on Senior Health.
Elderly woman relaxing with sheep microwave heating pad
Maine Warmers may help provide comfort for elderly people who have had strokes and always feel cold. Traditional microwave Neck Warmers and Back Warmers that can be reused, are washable, and durable. Their line of unique Comforting Creatures offer soothing warmth and cozy companionship for elderly parents. They may help the caretaker relax during times of stress.

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