Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Remembering Fathers

My father worked all day, but he came home with a smile on his face.  He had a great sense of humor
Take a walk with your dad on Fathers' Day.
and used it often. He lost the lower part of his leg in WW II in Northern Italy, and as a very young child I thought all men had one leg. As I grew older, I wondered how he maintained such a good attitude about life. I think he felt lucky that he escaped that war with an injury and not loss of life.

He was a chemist and taught me to use a camera and to develop film in our basement, creating a makeshift darkroom. He loved computers and taught me how to use them and the software, plus he gave me all of his hand-me-down computers. If he had learned how to use Photoshop he would have loved it.

There were times that he made me angry, but I never expected him to be perfect. There were times when he forbade me (unfairly) to do things because he was trying to protect me.

The best thing he did was love my mother and stay with her. They had their differences but he was always there.

Once when I was substitute teaching I overheard a second grade student tell his friend in the lunch line, “My mother’s boyfriend made me cry last night.” My heart went out to that child, and I thought how lucky I was that as a child I didn’t have to move in with another family because of divorced parents.

I understand that people divorce and do the best they can for their children, but it is never the same as
Man relaxing his back with a Maine Warmers' microwave whale, extra large Back Warmer
Maine Warmers' Whale Back Warmers
having two parents. When parents think first of themselves and use children to gain control that is the worst. Thank goodness the majority of parents who divorce make their children’s needs a priority.
As Fathers' Day approaches it is good to remember that fathers bring laughter, fun, toys, love, and more often than not, financial support to children. Fathers are important. If you can't afford to give your father a gift then just be there, call, enjoy an outdoor activity with him, and be sure to tell him you love him.

Remember that fathers love the relaxing heat of a MaineWarmers’ microwave heating pad. Check out their web site, Facebook page, and Instagram photos to find out about a 15% off Fathers’ Day coupon.

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