Tuesday, February 23, 2016

A few tips to help reduce weight

Jodi Helmer, in an article in Arthritis Today (March/April 2016), offers a few suggestion, based on recent research, to help tip the scales to lower numbers.

  1.  Out of sight, out of mind. Keep unhealthy snacks in the cupboard or out of sight.
  2.   Keep healthy snacks like fruit within easy reach. Bananas and washed apples are easy to grab when you are in a hurry.
  3. This article also suggests putting small appliances away – like toasters.
  4. The less unhealthy snacks you have the less you will be tempted to eat. Buy smaller batches of snacks – not bulk.

All of these make sense to me, and I would like to add one more suggestion of my own. Sometimes

Woman relaxing with White Sheep microwave heating pad on her back in bed
White Sheep microwave body warmer for relaxation
we think we must have something sweet when all we really want is to relax. When you feel a sugar craving, try taking a few deep breaths and let the air out slowly each time. My husband and I used to remind each other of this when one of us was craving dessert.

Give yourself time to think about healthy choices and how good they will make you feel. Instead of baking cookies, grab and apple, or a cup of herbal mint tea, relax with a book and a microwave heating pad on your back. You’ll feel great!

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