Sunday, June 28, 2015

Easy way to get rid of leg cramps

Nocturnal leg or foot
cramps may last from a few seconds to several minutes and are often painful and annoying. Walking, stretching, massaging, and applying heat to relax the muscles can help. Physicians may recommend taking a hot shower or tub, but easier to use is a microwave heating pad. My experience has been that heat immediately relaxes the cramp.

Using ice may also help, and the gentle coolness from Maine Warmers extra large back warmer (frozen for two hours) is much easier than wrapping ice in a towel to prevent skin damage.

A few things that may cause cramps are:
  • Strenuous exercise
  • Pregnancy or decreased minerals such as calcium, potassium and magnesium
  • Poor circulation
  • Dehydration
  • Some medications (ask your physician)
  • Standing for long periods of time – especially on hard or cements surfaces
  • For more information please visit the Cleveland Clinic

Both the Cleveland Clinic and WebMD offer tips on preventing leg cramps. They suggest drinking more water during the daytime, stretching before bedtime, making sure your feet aren’t crammed into shoes, and adjusting the sheets and blankets so that your feet or legs aren’t constricted while sleeping.

If cramps continue even after checking off these lists, check with your physician.

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