Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Preparing for a visit to the physician

Be prepared to answer your physician’s questions like some of the following.

When did you first experience the pain or discomfort?

Be prepared to describe the pain, its location, and frequency of occurrence.

What makes the symptoms worse?

What makes them better, if anything?

Write down questions to ask a physician when you experience pain or discomfort. Remember to have a written record of medications you are on, including vitamins and supplements. Here are a few suggestions of questions you might ask.

What might be causing the symptoms or pain?

Do I need tests?

What is the best treatment?

Are there alternative treatments?

If you have other health issues how can you best manage both of these?

Are there restrictions with this course of action?

Will I need to see a specialist and will my insurance cover it?

Are there other information resources available?

Take along a personal medical journal to fill out. Many physicians today will give you a print out of your visit. Keep them in a file so you can look back on them.

Take a look at the Mayo Clinic Web site for more information on your condition.

Check out Maine Warmers' Neck Warmers and Back Warmers to help ease minor aches and pains. Heat is one of the oldest natural home remedies for aches and pains.

collage of images of people using Maine Warmers' microwave heating pads in the shape of animals
Microwave heating pads are natural home remedies for aches and pains.

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