Sunday, October 02, 2005

How much weight should you gain during pregnancy?

Eating for two? That's okay as long as eating for 3 or 4 during pregnancy doesn't become the norm. Too much weight can result in complications and not gaining enough weight also has its health risks. The Mayo Clinic has some weight charts for those who are normal weight during pregnancy, those who are overweight, and those underweight.

Weight gain in pregnancy isn't just due to the weight of the baby. A woman's body changes dramatically to accommodate and house the fetus for nine months with added weight to the placenta, extra blood in the circulatory system, amniotic fluid, developing breasts, and more.

Too much weight gain can make it hard to lose the weight once the baby is born. It can lead to gestational diabetes and other health related issues. Plus, it is harder to lose the weight once the baby is born. Too little weight can result in having a smaller baby and may have a long lasting impact on the mother's health.

A first pregnancy can be very stressful. What will it be like? How will you cope with labor and then a newborn and all of the changes birth will bring to your lives.

To avoid overeating to deal with stress, try some relaxation techniques during pregnancy. This March of Dimes article on pregnancy may help give you some insights on how to deal with stress and to avoid weight gain.

Maine Warmers heating pads and gentle ice packs may help you relax tense muscles the natural way.

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