Julie K. Silver, M.D., writes in a wonderful article,
SUPER HEALING, published Nov/Dec 2008 in
AARP, The Magazine, about things one can do to promote healing from a variety of serious illnesses. The major topics are nutrition, sleep, and exercise. She explains that when you are well you might get away with neglecting some healthy living habits, but when you are sick there are things you can do to help your body heal.
Boosting the immune system to help recovery is her main focus. Once a cancer patient, she writes from experience as well as from her medical background. She is an assistant professor at Harvard Medical School and has written several books.
She lists some "Mental strategies that can boost your potential to heal." Reducing pain, being aware of your general mood, seeking friendly support, taking time to pray or reflect daily, and finding ways to relax -- including muscle relaxation are important to consider.
Black Bear microwave heating pad |
In consideration of the latter -- relaxation techniques -- heat therapy helps to relax tight muscles. During temporary periods of inactivity after surgery a warmer will stimulate circulation and take the chill off cold hands and feet. A
Cozy Sheep,
Bear, or
Cat Warmer might be the ideal way to show your support. Maine Warmers' microwave heating pads are portable and easy to use.